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09-12-31 06:50
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Georg Friedrich Händel ===>>> George Frederic Handel

ÁÖ´Ù½º ¸¶Ä«º£¿ì½º Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63

Á¦ 3 ¸·


À̽º¶ó¿¤ ³²ÀÚ

Father of Heav'n! From Thy eternal throne,
Look with an eye of blessing down,
While we prepare with holy rites,
To solemnize the feasts of lights.
And thus our grateful hearts employ;
And in Thy praise
This altar raise,
With carols of triumphant joy.


À̽º¶ó¿¤ ³²ÀÚ
See, see yon flames, that from the altar broke,
In spiring streams pursue the trailing smoke.
The fragrant incense mounts the yielding air;
Sure presage that the Lord hath heard our pray'r.

À̽º¶ó¿¤ ¿©ÀÚ
Oh, grant it, Heav'n, that our long woes may cease,
And Judah's daughters taste the calm of peace,
Sons, brothers, husbands to bewail no more,
Tortur'd at home, or havock'd in the war. 


À̽º¶ó¿¤ ¿©ÀÚ
So shall the lute and harp awake,
And sprightly voice sweet descant run,
Seraphic melody to make,
In the pure strains of Jesse's son.


Àü·É 1
From Capharsalama, on eagle wings I fly,
With tidings of impetuous joy:
Came Lysias, with his host, array'd
In coat of mail; their massy shields
Of gold and brass, flash'd lightning o'er the fields,
While the huge tow'r-back'd elephants display'd
A horrid front. But Judas, undismay'd,
Met, fought, and vanquish'd all the rageful train.
Yet more, Nicanor lies with thousands slain;
The blasphemous Nicanor, who defied
The living God, and, in his wanton pride,
A public monument ordain'd
Of victories yet ungain'd.

Àü·É 2
But lo, the conqueror comes; and on his spear,
To dissipate all fear,
He bears the vaunter's head and hand,
That threaten'd desolation to the land.


See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
Sound the trumpets, beat the drums.
Sports prepare, the laurel bring,
Songs of triumph to him sing.

See the godlike youth advance!
Breathe the flutes, and lead the dance;
Myrtle wreaths, and roses twine,
To deck the hero's brow divine.

See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
Sound the trumpets, beat the drums.
Sports prepare, the laurel bring,
Songs of triumph to him sing.
See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
Sound the trumpets, beat the drums.


¾ËÅä, Å×³Ê & À̽º¶ó¿¤ÀÎ
Sing unto God, and high affections raise,
To crown this conquest with unmeasur'd praise.


ÁÖ´Ù½º ¸¶Ä«º£¿ì½º
Sweet flow the strains, that strike my feasted ear;
Angels might stoop from Heav'n to hear
The comely song we sing,
To Israel's Lord and King.
But pause awhile: due obsequies prepare
To those who bravely fell in war.
To Eleazar special tribute pay;
Through slaughter'd troops he cut his way
To the distinguish'd elephant, and, whelm'd beneath
The stabbed monster, triumph'd in a glorious death.


ÁÖ´Ù½º ¸¶Ä«º£¿ì½º
With honour let desert be crown'd,
The trumpet ne'er in vain shall sound;
But, all attentive to alarms,
The willing nations fly to arms,
And, conquering or conquer'd, claim the prize
Of happy earth, or far more happy skies.


Peace to my countrymen; peace and liberty.
From the great senate of imperial Rome,
With a firm league of amity, I come.
Rome, whate'er nation dare insult us more,
Will rouse, in our defence, her vet'ran pow'r,
And stretch her vengeful arm, by land or sea
To curb the proud, and set the injur'd free.


To our great God be all the honour giv'n,
That grateful hearts can send from earth to Heav'n.


À̽º¶ó¿¤ ¿©ÀÚ
Again to earth let gratitude descend,
Praiseworthy is our hero and our friend.
Come then, my daughters, choicest art bestow,
To weave a chaplet for the victor's brow;
And in your songs for ever be confess'd
The valour that preserv'd, the pow'r that bless'd,
Bless'd you with hours, that scatter, as they fly,
Soft quiet, gentle love, and boundless joy.

À̽º¶ó¿¤ ¿©ÀÚ/³²ÀÚ
O lovely peace, with plenty crown'd,
Come, spread thy blessings all around.
Let fleecy flocks the hills adorn,
And vallies smile with wavy corn.
Let the shrill trumpet cease, nor other sound
But nature's songsters wake the cheerful morn.


Rejoice, O Judah, and, in songs divine,
With cherubim and seraphim harmonious join!


Hallelujah! Amen.

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252 [Classic] »õÇØ º¹ ¸¹ÀÌ ¹ÞÀ¸½Ã±æ. [3] annihilator 01-01 2052 0
251 [Classic]{¸¶Áö¸·} º£Å亥 ±³Çâ°î Reloaded (21) [5] annihilator 12-31 2278 2
250 [Classic] Ç ¼­°Å 250 ÁÖ±â (27, ³¡) - ÁÖ´Ù½º ¸¶Ä«º£¿ì½º (3) annihilator 12-31 1899 0
249 [Classic] ±³Çâ½ÃÀÇ ¾Æ¹öÁö (7) annihilator 12-30 1607 1
248 [Classic] ±³Çâ½ÃÀÇ ¾Æ¹öÁö (6) annihilator 12-30 1569 1
247 [Classic] º£Å亥 ±³Çâ°î Reloaded (20) annihilator 12-29 1239 1
246 [ÇÇ°Ü] ¿¹ºê°Ô´Ï Ç÷ç¼ÏÄÚ ÃÖ±Ù ÀÎÅͺä [2] annihilator 12-29 2271 1
245 [Classic] ½ººñ¾ÆÅä½½¶óÇÁ ¸®È÷Å׸£ (95) - ¼îÆØ, µåºß½Ã, ½ºÅ©¸®¾Æºó annihilator 12-29 1643 0
244 [Classic] Ç ¼­°Å 250ÁÖ±â (26) ÁÖ´Ù½º ¸¶Ä«º£¿ì½º (2) annihilator 12-28 2074 1
243 [Classic] Ç ¼­°Å 250 ÁÖ±â (25) - ÁÖ´Ù½º ¸¶Ä«º£¿ì½º (1) [2] annihilator 12-28 2349 1
242 [Classic] ±³Çâ½ÃÀÇ ¾Æ¹öÁö (5) annihilator 12-27 1475 1
241 [Classic] ½ººñ¾ÆÅä½½¶óÇÁ ¸®È÷Å׸£ (94) - º£Å亥 [3] annihilator 12-26 1830 3
240 [Classic] ¹ÙÈåÀÇ ÇùÁÖ°î (10) annihilator 12-25 1535 1
239 [»¹] Å©¸®½º¸¶½º ¼±¹° [3] annihilator 12-25 1354 0
238 [Classic] ±×¸®±× ±³Çâ°î (6) annihilator 12-25 1854 0
237 [Classic] º£Å亥 ±³Çâ°î Reloaded (19) [4] annihilator 12-24 1748 1
236 [Classic] Ç ¼­°Å 250 ÁÖ±â (24) - ¸Þ½Ã¾Æ (3) [5] annihilator 12-24 2086 2
235 [Classic] ¹ÙÈåÀÇ ÇùÁÖ°î (9) annihilator 12-23 1611 1
234 [Classic] ±³Çâ½ÃÀÇ ¾Æ¹öÁö (4) [21] annihilator 12-23 2128 3
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