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Red Sox Turned Down Offer of Delcarmen for Nick Johnson

Manny Delcarmen¡¯s agent, Jim Masteralexis, was told by Red Sox officials that the Nationals approached Boston about a trade that would send reliever Manny Delcarmen to Washington in exchange for first baseman Nick Johnson. Masteralexis was told by the Sox that the trade proposal was ¡°immediately shot down.¡±

Delcarmen is 1-1 with a 0.95 ERA for the Red Sox this year. He is making $476,000, becomes arbitration eligible for the first time after this season and is under team control through the 2012 season. Johnson is in the final year of a three-year, $16.5 million contract that is paying him $5.5 million this year. He will be a free agent following the season.

The idea of a Delcarmen-for-Johnson exchange was first reported by Peter Gammons on an interview on ESPN¡¯s Mike & Mike In the Morning Show today.

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Giants Seeking A Bat

According to Andrew Baggarly of the San Jose Mercury News, Giants GM Brian Sabean held court today.  Baggarly learned that Sabean is actively seeking a bat on the trade market, and the GM has even begun considering hitters who are headed toward free agency (a change from his earlier stance).

Baggarly believes Nationals first baseman Nick Johnson has to be near the top of the list.  Johnson has been linked to the Mets and Red Sox, the Mets perhaps more in a speculative sense.  Nats GM Mike Rizzo has to love the multiple suitors, but he might want to move Johnson while his stock is high.

The Giants are nine games out in the NL West, so the sooner they add offense the better.  The team is dead last in the NL in both OBP and SLG.  Speculating on other acquisition targets: Aubrey Huff, Dan Uggla, Mark DeRosa, Paul Konerko, Matt Holliday, and Felipe Lopez.  Other ideas?  One factor to consider is that the Giants are not willing to trade their top prospects.


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Rosenthal: Phillies In Search Of Starters

Ken Rosenthal appeared on the FOX broadcast of the Yankees vs. Phillies game this afternoon and dropped this bit of information:

"There is no question the Phillies want another starter, maybe even two starters the way this thing might evolve. In a perfect world, they would get a number 2 to fit behind Cole Hamels, someone better than Joe Blanton, the pitcher they acquired last season.
Obviously, we've heard about Jake Peavy this week.
He probably would not want to come to Philly. But you'll be hearing about guys like Erik Bedard and Jarrod Washburn, who both pitch for the Mariners, maybe even Roy Oswalt. The Phillies are going to inquire and be in on every one of those pitchers."

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