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[NYY] Ä«³ëÀÇ ¹Ì·¡´Â??

09-01-05 13:34
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In-Depth: Can anyone help Cano except himself?
Posted on 3 Jan 2009 at 11:25 pm


What happened to Robbie Cano in 2008? After back-to-back years that saw him advance to one of the top second baseman in the AL, last season was a disappointment to say the least. What does the future hold for one Robinson Jose Cano? Will we continue to see a decline in his numbers or did he simply have an off year? Unfortunately, when we look at a few of his internals, an ugly picture emerges. Let¡¯s probe, shall we.

 Ä«³ëÀÇ 2008³â¿£ ¹«½¼ ÀÏÀÌ ÀϾ °É±î?? Çظ¶´Ù ¹ßÀüÀ» º¸ÀÌ´ø ¸®±× ž 2·ç¼ö°¡ ¸»ÀÌ´Ù... ¿ì¸® Çѹø ºÐ¼®ÇØ º¸ÀÚ±¸

Here is his AVG/OBP/SLG line the last three years:

2006: .342/.365/.525(.890) 15Ȩ·± 78ŸÁ¡ º¼³Ý 18 »ïÁø 54 122°æ±â ÃâÀå
2007: .306/.353/.488(.838) 19Ȩ·± 97ŸÁ¡ º¼³Ý 39 »ïÁø 85 160°æ±â ÃâÀå
2008: .271/.305/.410(.715) 14Ȩ·± 72ŸÁ¡ º¼³Ý 26 »ïÁø 65 159°æ±â ÃâÀå

 Âü°í·Î Ä«³ëÀÇ 2006³â ȤÀº 2007³â°ú ºñ±³µÉ¸¸ÇÑ Æäµå·ÎÀ̾ÆÀÇ ¿ÃÇØ ¼ºÀûÀº .326 /.376 /.493(.869) 17Ȩ·± 83ŸÁ¡ 50º¼³Ý 52»ïÁø 157°æ±â ÃâÀå
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Every number in the AVG/OBP/SLG line has declined since Cano¡¯s career highs of 2006. Obviously we can see that something is wrong. But what is it? What has led to his numbers virtually falling off a cliff?

 2006³âÀÇ Ä«³ëÀÇ Ä¿¸®¾î ÇÏÀÌ ÀÌ·¡·Î ±×ÀÇ ¸ðµç ºñÀ²Àº ¶³¾îÁö°í ÀÖ´Ù. ¸í¹éÇÏ°Ôµµ ¿ì¸®´Â ¹º°¡ À߸øµÈ °ÍÀ» ¾Ë ¼öÀÖ´Ù... ±×ÀÇ ¼ºÀûÀ» ¼öÁ÷ ³«ÇÏ ½ÃÅ°°í ÀÖ´Â °ÍÀÌ ¹«¾ùÀϱî?

We all know that Cano is a free swinger that rarely takes a walk. In doing a little research for this post, I came across an article by Tom Boorstein of who put it this way:

He (Cano) needs to make sure his on-base percentage is more than 50 points higher than his average. Everyone worries about changing a hitter¡¯s approach. ¡°He¡¯s aggressive,¡± coaches and announcers will say. ¡°We like that.¡± What teams should like is ¡°productive.¡± Aggressive is just a euphemism for impatient.

And impatient is exactly what Cano has been. Here are a few telling numbers, courtesy of FanGraphs:

Robinson Cano
Year AB O-Swing% F-Strike% BABIP
2006 617 30.8% 65.3% .363
2007 482 34.4% 57.7% .331
2008 597 30.7% 62.6% .286

O-Swing% is the percentage of balls a batter swings at that are outside the strike zone. In the past three years, Cano has consistently ranked at the bottom (13/15) of qualified second baseman. F-Strike% is the percentage of plate appearances where the first pitch was a strike. Cano again ranks 13th out of the 15 second baseman that qualify. To put it simply, the above numbers confirm just how impatient Cano can be when he steps into the batter¡¯s box.

O-SWING%´Â ½ºÆ®¶óÀÌÅ© Á¸À» ¹þ¾î³­ °øÀ» ½ºÀ®ÇÒ È®·üÀÌ´Ù. Áö³­ 3³â°£ Ä«³ë´Â Áö¼ÓÀûÀ¸·Î ÁÖÀü 2·ç¼öÁß 13À§¸¦ ±â·ÏÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù. F-Strike%´Â ù ¹ø°°øÀÌ ½ºÆ®¶óÀÌÅ©ÀÏ ¶§ ¹æ¸ÁÀÌ°¡ µ¹¾Æ°¥ È®·üÀÌ´Ù. Ä«³ë´Â ´Ù½Ã ÇÑ ¹ø 15¸í Áß 13À§¸¦ ±â·ÏÇÑ´Ù. À̸¦ ³õ°í º¼ ¶§ Ä«³ë°¡ Àγ»½ÉÀÌ ¾ó¸¶³ª ¾ø´Â Áö¸¦ È®ÀÎ ½ÃÄÑÁÖ°í ÀÖ´Ù

Now what does Cano¡¯s BABIP (Batting Average on Balls In Play) tell us? In 2006 he batted .342 with a .363 BABIP. In 2008, he managed a .271 avg. with a .283 BABIP. Could it be that Cano was just unlucky in 2008 and didn¡¯t get the bounces that went his way in 2006? Perhaps, but until he changes his impatient attitude and learns how to take a walk, Cano will probably be one of the streakiest players we have ever seen wear the Pinstripes.

 Ä«³ëÀÇ BABIP(ÀÎÇ÷¹ÀÌµÈ °øÀÌ ¾ÈŸ°¡ µÉ È®·üÀε¥... ŸÀ²¿¡ ºñÇØ ³ôÀ¸¸é ¿îÀÌ ÁÁÀº ŸÀÚ°¡ µÇÁÒ)´Â ¹«¾úÀ» ¸»ÇØÁÖ°í ÀÖ´Â °ÍÀϱî?? Ä«³ë´Â 2006³â¿¡ .342ÀÇ Å¸À²¿¡ .363ÀÇ BABIP¸¦ ±â·ÏÇÏ°í Çß¾ú´Ù. 2008³â¿¡´Â .271ÀÇ Å¸À²¿¡ .283ÀÇ BABIP¸¦ ±â·ÏÇÏ¿´´Ù. 2008³â¿¡ ±×´Â »ó´çÈ÷ ºÒ¿îÇߴٰųª 2006³â°ú °°ÀÌ ¹Ù¿î½º ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù°í º¼ ¼ö ÀÖÀ»±î? ¾Æ¸¶µµ ´ë´äÀº YESÀÏ °ÍÀÌ´Ù ÇÏÁö¸¸ ±×°¡ º¼³ÝÀ» ¾ò´Â ´É·ÂÀ» Çâ»ó½ÃÅ°¾ß¸¸ Ä«³ë´Â ÇɽºÆ®¶óÀÌÇÁ¸¦ ÀÔÀº ²ÙÁØÇÑ ¼±¼ö·Î ±×¸¦ º¼ ¼ö ÀÖÀ» µí ÇÏ´Ù 

And that leads us to his current status. Rumors swirled this winter that Cano was on the trading block. The Yankees were probably listening, but never serious about trading someone they see as a future star of the organization. Back in early October, Joel Sherman noted most of the Yankees brass believe that 2008 was a fluke and Cano will live up to his expectations in 2009 and beyond.

Being only 26, I agree with Joseph at RAB that there¡¯s plenty of time for us to see Cano turn into one of the AL¡¯s best. Moreover, the Yankees went away from their philosophy of one-year deals for young talent and bought-out his remaining arbitration years with club options for 2012-13. That¡¯s quite a commitment for a player that was supposedly ¡°on the block¡± this winter.

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In the meantime, Cano continues to work on his game. Word out of the Dominican is he¡¯s lost weight, toned down and will enter Spring Training in better shape than last year. In comments from late November 2008, Yankees hitting coach Kevin Long knows better than anyone what Cano needed to work on this winter:

¡°If he is going to be a third- or fifth-place hitter, which we need him to be, he has to learn about the strike zone and taking a lot more often than not,¡± Long said of Cano, who drew 26 walks last year. Only 11 players with at least 477 at-bats drew fewer walks than Cano.

¡°He can do that, because he hits as well as anybody with two strikes.¡±

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Below is his final batting line for Las Estrellas de Oriente this winter:

.267 AVG, .333 OBP, .413 SLG, 19 games, 15 RBIs, 14 runs, 7 BB, 7 SO

Which Cano do you think will show up in ¡®09?

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