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08-12-19 15:24
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 In an intriguing shift, the Red Sox have taken themselves out of the Mark Teixeira sweepstakes.

 Believed to be on the threshold of an agreement with Scott Boras, Teixeira's agent, the Red Sox apparently changed their course.

 In an e-mail to members of the Boston media by Red Sox principal owner John Henry on Thursday night, he explained the club's position: "We met with Mr. Teixeira and were very much impressed with him. After hearing about his other offers, however, it seems clear that we are not going to be a factor." 

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 Red Sox, Youkilis talk deal

The Red Sox and infielder Kevin Youkilis have taken initial steps toward a possible long-term contract extension, said Joe Bick, the agent who represents Youkilis.

"We've had some what I would term early-stage conversations," Bick said. "That's really where it is. To predict which way it's going to go at this point in time would be pretty tough to do."
Youkilis, Bick said, would be comfortable repeating what he did last offseason: avoid arbitration and sign a one-year contract. Youkilis, who will turn 30 in March, has a little more than four years of major league service time, meaning he will be able to file for free agency for the first time after the 2010 season.

"Kevin is perfectly content to do it one year at a time," Bick said. "There's no urgency whatsoever. If we are presented with a multiyear deal, he's fine with it either way. We're all pretty confident that Kevin is going to remain an outstanding player. He is not the kind of guy that is going to be antsy if he has to do a one-year contract."

Youkilis signed for $3 million last season, a price that will certainly increase after he finished third in the voting for the American League Most Valuable Player Award. Youkilis established himself as one of baseball's best players, leading the Red Sox in home runs (29), RBIs (115), and slugging percentage (.569). He also hit .312 with 43 doubles and a .390 on-base percentage while playing both first and third base at a high level.



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35 °¨µ¶µéÀÇ °íÀÇ »ç±¸ Áö½Ã¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °íÂû [6] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¿¡À̷εå¾Ø±×¸®ÇÇ 01-09 6203 2
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