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09-07-16 15:30
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Club MVP
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Call him 'Ace':
Kevin Millwood Äɺó ¹Ð¿ìµå

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Greatest strength
The Rangers' bullpen has been excellent. It has an excellent 1-2 combination of Frank Francisco and C.J. Wilson at the back end, and general manager Jon Daniels did well in adding right-handers Jason Grilli and Darren O'Day. Moving Jason Jennings to the bullpen also proved astute, and Derek Holland has proven to be a weapon as a reliever. Doug Mathis has shown he can contribute as a long/middle reliever and Eddie Guardado's leadership is invaluable.
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Biggest problem: So far the levees are holding, but injuries threaten to flood the rotation again. With McCarthy and Harrison on the DL, the Rangers are still short one starter. Not having Eric Hurley this season has been a huge setback.

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Biggest surprise:
Feldman pitches in relative obscurity, but he has been excellent as a third starter. The Rangers started him in the bullpen, but that proved to be an error in judgment. Feldman has yet to pitch seven innings in a game, but the six innings he gives are usually quite good.

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Team needs:
The Rangers don't have much money to spend, but there's no doubt they could use one more starter. They've talked about a right-handed bat and reinforcing the bullpen, but they need one more starting pitcher.

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He said it:
We're a confident bunch. We don't get down or let things bother us. We know that if we go out there and play good baseball the way we are capable, make adjustments and execute, we're going to be fine. We have a good team. -- Michael Young

Mark your calendars: The Rangers are home for 12 of the first 15 games after the All-Star break against the Twins (July 17-19), Red Sox (July 20-22), Tigers (July 27-29) and Mariners (July 30-Aug. 1). But they play 11 of their last 14 games on the road against the Athletics (Sept. 21-24), Angels (Sept. 28-Oct. 1) and Mariners (Oct. 2-4).

Fearless forecast: The Rangers need big second halves from Padilla, Hamilton and Hank Blalock. They should stay in the race until September, but they need to upgrade their rotation to win this thing.

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