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12-02-14 05:53
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BALTIMORE (AP)—The Baltimore Orioles have apologized to two South Korean baseball organizations upset with the club over its contract with a local high school pitcher.

The Korea Baseball Association said Friday that the Orioles violated local rules that bar the signing of student players until their graduation year. KBA officials said the Orioles signed 17-year-old left-hander Kim Seong-min last month.

Dan Duquette, Baltimore¡¯s new executive vice president of baseball operations, apologized to the Korea Baseball Organization and the Korea Baseball Association for an ¡°unintentional breach of protocol in failing to tender a status check in the process of signing¡± Kim.

¡°The Orioles respect Major League Baseball¡¯s recruiting policies and the governing bodies and people that contribute to the growth of baseball around the world,¡± Duquette said in a release issued Friday night.

It¡¯s unclear if the apology will affect the KBA¡¯s decision to ban Orioles scouts from attending its games.

The Orioles should apologize to the wonderful and great Orioles fans and the city of Baltimore for the last 15 years of s$it they have shoved down people's throats. 

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Why not just send the Baltimore Orioles to South Korea?

±×³É ¿À¸®¿Ã½º¸¦ Çѱ¹À¸·Î º¸³»Áö ±×·¡?

´ä1: South Korea won't take them. North Korea might!

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´ä2: Because they wouldn't be competitive
(Çѱ¹¿¡¼­µµ) ¸øÇÒÅ״ϱî

WHEN are the O's going to appologize to it's fans for putting such a bad team on the field year after year?

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What upsets me the most is that the once proud Orioles organization is regarded so negatively that free agents dont even want to play for the Orioles. They can't possibly expect our support until something changes!

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º¯È­°¡ ÀÖÀ»¶§±îÁö ÀÀ¿ø ¾ÈÇÒ²¨¾ß!

Maybe they should apologize to the fans for 15 years of losing and post-season irrelevance?

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As an Oriole fan, I agree that Angelos is the problem. There is a quick way to solve the problem. The fans need to stop buying tickets. If no one shows up, things will change quickly.

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