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09-02-26 10:47
ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ J-Won
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Los Angeles Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti and owner Frank McCourt had a lengthy meeting today with Manny Ramirez's agent, Scott Boras, and a Boras associate, according to a source familiar with the negotiations, and extended a new offer to the free agent outfielder.

According to the source, the offer is for two years and $45 million, but it is structured differently than the Dodgers' previous offer at those numbers. This deal would pay Ramirez $25 million in the first year, with a player-only option for $20 million for the second season. The previous offer had been structured this way: $15 million for 2009, $22.5 million for 2010, a team option for 2011 for $22.5 million or a $7.5 million buyout. The Dodgers had also previously offered salary arbitration, which was rejected, and most recently a straight one-year, $25 million deal.

The source said Boras specifically requested that a player-only option for a second year be worked into the deal. With that option at the numbers the Dodgers are offering, Ramirez, 37, could guarantee himself $45 million for two seasons, or could walk away after one season and $25 million if he feels his market has improved.

Colletti's absence from the Dodgers' first exhibition game of their first full Arizona spring training had led to speculation that contract negotiations with Ramirez were heating up. In fact, according to the source, Colletti flew from the team's headquarters in Glendale, Ariz., back to Los Angeles. He and McCourt then met for 2¨ö hours at Dodger Stadium with Boras, who said he would get back to them after speaking with Ramirez.

Jayson Stark covers baseball for

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