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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¾çµÎ±¸À° 09-10-26 22:04
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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ LionHeart 09-10-26 22:34
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This team has many things they need to do this off season

1. Decide if they want to commit to having a prospect in centerfield, if so sign cameron, he did have 70 RBI's this year and is still great. He would be cheaper too. If not, give the job to Hart, and shift eithe Gamel, Weeks, or maybe even Hardy to right field.

2. Shop Hardy, Escobar is the future

3. Sign McGehee, Gallardo, and Fielder to long term contracts.

4. Kendall. He is horrible behind the plate, and worse with a bat, either resign, and start him every 5th day, and give the job to Rivera or Salome.

5. Sign Ben Sheets. Low risk incentive contract, that way if he gets hurt, it dosent matter. Plus peterson might be the answer for him

6.sign a #2 or #3 starter, and put Suppan in the bull pen, and drop mcclung and difelice. Rotation: Gallardo, Starter TBD/Sheets, Looper, Parra, Bush/Narveson Bullpen: Smith, Coffey, Hoffman, Suppan, Bush/Narveson, maybe a prospect

7. Find a place for Gamel, if not, trade him

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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¢º¢¸ dr.·¹ÀÎ 09-10-26 22:37
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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ LionHeart 09-10-26 22:42
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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ LionHeart 09-10-26 23:02
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