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Æß: A.J ¿¤¸®½º¿¡ °üÇÑ Àè ±×·¹ÀÎÅ°ÀÇ ¿À´Ã ÄÚ¸àÆ®

13-08-22 19:56
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Greinke on AJ Ellis: "He knows the other team as good as anyone I've ever played with, he's almost a pitching coach back there"

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Los Angeles Dodgers right-hander Zack Greinke is famously blunt, but even catcher A.J. Elliswas taken aback by an exchange he had with the pitcher during a Sunday afternoon game in San Diego in late June.

The Dodgers were struggling at the time, so Ellis enlisted Greinke, a student of the game, to play GM. Neither was playing that day, so Ellis told Greinke during batting practice, ¡°Let¡¯s figure out how to make the team better.¡±

Greinke replied, ¡°Let me think about it.¡± Then, while sitting on the bench during the game, he informed Ellis of his solution.

¡°The first thing I¡¯m doing is trading you and signing Brian McCann,¡± Greinke said, referring to theAtlanta Braves¡¯ catcher, who is a free agent at the end of the season.

Ellis, who is earning $2 million, said that Greinke also has told him that he is pricing himself out of the Dodgers¡¯ plans, as if such a thing is even possible. When I asked Greinke about that, he denied the charge.

¡°He¡¯s not pricing himself out,¡± said Greinke of his teammate, who has two years of arbitration remaining. ¡°He¡¯s not a home-run hitter. Home-run hitters are the ones who price themselves out.¡±

Ellis indeed has only 21 career homers in 912 at-bats, but he doesn¡¯t take offense at Greinke¡¯s candid assessments. Indeed, the debate over Ellis¡¯ value has become a running gag between the two.

¡°He¡¯s probably the most refreshing teammate I¡¯ve ever had,¡± Ellis said. ¡°I¡¯m enjoying every second with him.¡±

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