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14-04-15 14:31
ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp
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Science AMA Series: I'm Prof. Stephan Lewandowsky, I study the cognitive science of conspiratorial thinking and the rejection of climate science, AMA!Psychology (

submitted  ago by StephanLewandowsky to /r/science

À½¸ð·ÐÀû »ç°í¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÀÎÁö°úÇÐÀû ¿¬±¸µéÀ» ÇÏ°í °è½Ã°í, 
ȯ°æ°úÇп¡ ´ëÇÑ °ÅºÎ·Ð, ȸÀǷп¡ ´ëÇؼ­µµ ¿¬±¸ÇÏ°í °è½Ã´Â
½ºÅ×ÆÇ ·¹¹ÝµµÇÁ½ºÅ° ¹Ú»çÀÇ °úÇÐ AMA ½Ã°£ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

¸» ±×´ë·Î À½¸ð·ÐÀÌ ¿Ö ¹ß»ýÇÏ´ÂÁö¸¦ ÀÎÁö°úÇÐÀû Ãø¸é¿¡¼­ ¿¬±¸ÇϽô ºÐÀε¥
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AMA ÂÞ¿í Àо½Ç ºÐÀÌ ÀÖÀ¸½ÇÁö ¸ð¸£°ÚÁö¸¸,
»À°¡µÇ°í »ìÀÌµÉ ±×·± Èï¹Ì·Î¿î Çؼ®µéÀÌ ¸¹½À´Ï´ç. 

TIL that seat cushions at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA are designed to have the same absorption properties as the average person so that the hall has the same acoustics when empty or full-- an advantage for musicians, who usually rehearse in an empty hall (

submitted  ago by greatdane4 to /r/todayilearned

¿ùÆ® µðÁî´Ï Äܼ­Æ® ȦÀÇ ÀÇÀÚ Äí¼ÇµéÀº, 
À½ÇâÀûÀ¸·Î »ç¶÷°ú À¯»çÇÑ ¼öÁØÀÇ À½Çâ Èí¼öÀ²À» °®°Ô²û ¸¸µé¾îÁ³´Ù°í ÇÔ.
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Artificial blood 'will be manufactured in factories' | Wellcome Trust-funded stem cell research has produced red blood cells fit for transfusion into humans, paving the way for the mass production of blood. (

submitted  ago by ionised to /r/technology

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  • .
    Áٱ⼼Æ÷ ¿¬±¸°¡µéÀÌ »ç¶÷¿¡°Ô ¼öÇ÷ °¡´ÉÇÑ ¼öÁØÀÇ ÀûÇ÷±¸ »ý»ê¿¡ ¼º°øÇߴٳ׿ä.
    °øÀå¿¡¼­ ÀΰøÇ÷¾×À» ´ë·®»ý»êÇÒ ³¯ÀÌ ¸ÓÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù°í ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

    Children check their ID tags while they wait to be evacuated from urban areas of England during the Battle of Britain 1940 [654 ¡¿ 800] (
    submitted  ago by WayBackPhotoArchive

    2Â÷´ëÀü¶§, ¿µ±¹ µµ½ÃµéÀÌ Æø°ÝÀ» ¸Â°Ô µÇÀÚ, ¾î¸¥µéÀº ¾î¿ ¼ö ¾ø°í (Àϵµ Çؾߵǰí ÇÏ´Ï), 

    ¾î¸° ¾ÆÀ̵鸸 ÀÏ´Ü ¹«Á¶°Ç ½Ã°ñÂÊÀ¸·Î ´ëÇǽÃÅ°´Â Á¤Ã¥ÀÌ ½ÃÇàµË´Ï´Ù.
    ³ª´Ï¾Æ ¿¬´ë±â¿¡¼­ÀÇ ³²¸Åµéµµ ±× Á¤Ã¥ ¶§¹®¿¡ ¾ÖÃÊ ºÎ¸ð¿Í À̺°ÄÉ µÇÁö¿ä. 
    (±×·¯¸é¼­ ¿ÊÀ忤 µé¾î°¡´Âµ¥~¤Ñ¤Ñ;)

    °¢±â ½Äº° ű׸¦ ´Þ°í ÀÖ´Â....... ´ëÇÇ ¿¹Á¤ÀÚ ¾ÆÀ̵é.

    My grandfather fought in the Korean War. We found a photograph he had of some POWs from around 1952 [3000x2000 ?] I have more pictures if there's interest (x-post pics) (

    submitted  ago by AAA5982

    ÇҾƹöÁö°¡ Çѱ¹Àü ÂüÀüÇϼ̴µ¥, ÀÌ·± Àú·± »çÁøµéÀÌ ³ª¿Ô³×? °ü½ÉÀÖÀ¸¸é ¸î°³ ´õ ¿Ã·Áº¼²²!

    (¾Ù¹üÀ» ¸µÅ©ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ½É±â¸¦ °Çµå¸± ¼öµµ ÀÖÀ» »çÁøµéÀÌ ÀÖ´Â °ü°è·Î)

    ºÏ±¸ÀÇ ÈçÇÑ ÀüÅõ±â ¿î¼Û.

    2014³â 4¿ù ÇöÀç ½Ã¸®¾Æ ³»Àü »óȲ.

    ºÓÀº°Ô ¾Æ»çµå ÁöÁöÆÄ
    ÃÊ·Ï»ö°ú ȸ»öÀÌ ¹Ý±º/ ¹«ÀÚÇìµò

    TIL that in 1971, Saddam Hussein imported 100,000 tons of grain treated with fungicidal mercury. The grain was intended for planting, but the Iraqis, unable to understand the English and Spanish warnings or the "skull and crossbones" image, baked it into bread. Hundreds died. (

    submitted  ago by elchip

    71³âµµ¿¡ »ç´ã Èļ¼ÀÎÀÌ °î¹° 10¸¸ÅæÀ» ¼öÀÔÇߴµ¥, 
    »ç½Ç ÀÌ°Ô Ç×°õÆÎÀ̼º ¼öÀº ÇÕ¼º¹°ÀÌ ¹ß·ÁÀÖ´ø ¾¾¾Ñ¿ë °î¹°À̾úÀ½.
    Æ÷´ë¿¡ ½áÁø ¿µ¹®, ½ºÆäÀξ ÀÐÁö ¸øÇÔÀº ¹°·ÐÀÌ°í, ÇØ°ñ¸ð¾çÀÇ ¸¶Å©µµ ÀÌÇØÇÏÁö ¸øÇÑ À̶óÅ© »ç¶÷µéÀÌ
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    TIL that the artificial sweetner sucralose was discovered when a researcher misheard a command to "test this chemical" as "taste this chemical". (

    submitted  ago by midoman111

    ÇÕ¼º°¨¹Ì·á ¼öÅ©¶ö·Î½ºÀÇ °³¹ß À̾߱â. 

    ÇÑ ¿¬±¸ÀÚ°¡, "Test this Chemical" (±× ¹°Áú ½ÃÇèÇغÁ!) À̶ó°í ÇÑ °ÍÀ», 
    ´Ù¸¥ ¿¬±¸ÀÚ°¡ "Taste this Chemical" (±× ¹°Áú ¸ÀºÁºÁ~!) ·Î ¾Ëµè°í¼­´Â ¸ÀÀ» ºÃ´õ´Ï ´Ü¸ÀÀÌ ³ª´õ¶ó........
    Çؼ­ ¼öÅ©¶ö·Î½º°¡  Åº»ýÇß´Ù´Â ½ä··, ¼¶¶àÇÑ À̾߱â. 

    TIL Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had a sequel, but the author hated the first movie so much that he refused to have a film version produced. (

    submitted  ago by coexisting

    "Âû¸®¿Í ÃÊÄÝ·¿ °øÀå"Àº ¼Ò¼³·Î´Â ¼ÓÆíÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù´Â »ç½Ç.... 
    ´Ù¸¸, ÀúÀÚ(·Î¾Ëµå ´Þ)°¡ ¿µÈ­È­ µÈ 1źÀ» º¸°í¼± ³Ê¹«³ªµµ ½Ç¸ÁÇؼ­, 
    ¼ÓÆíÀº ¿µÈ­È­ÇÏÁö ¸øÇÏ°Ô²û ¸¸µé¾ú´Ù°í.

    ¼Ò¼³ÀÇ ¼ÓÆíÀÎ "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator" ´Â Çѹøµµ ¿µÈ­È­ µÇÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ü  »ç½Ç.......

    TIL The Soviet Union allowed theaters to play The Grapes of Wrath because of its depiction of the plight of the poor under capitalism, but it was later withdrawn because Russian audiences were amazed that even the poorest Americans could afford a car. (
    submitted  ago by BasketFullOfLotion to /r/todayilearned

    Ç渮¿ô ¿µÈ­ "ºÐ³ëÀÇ Æ÷µµ"¸¦ º» ¼Ò·Ã ´ç±¹¼­´Â, ÀÌ·ÊÀûÀ¸·Î Áï°¢ »ó¿µÀ» °áÁ¤Çß´Ù°í ÇÔ
    ÀÌÀ¯ÀÎ Áï, ¿µÈ­¼­ µå·¯³ª´Â ¼ÒÀ§ "ÀÚº»ÁÖÀÇ ½Ã½ºÅÛ ¾Æ·¡¿¡¼­ÀÇ °¡³­°ú °í³­ÀÇ ¹¦»ç" °¡ 
    ³Ê¹«³ªµµ Á¤±³Ç߱⠶§¹®À̾ú´Ù°í....

    ±Ùµ¥ ¾ó¸¶Áö ¾Ê¾Æ ¿µÈ­¸¦ ´Ù½Ã »ó¿µ±ÝÁö¸¦ Çߴµ¥,,
    ¿Ö±×·¨´ø°í Çã´Ï, 
    ¼Ò·Ã °ü°´µéÀÌ "Âõ¾îÁö°Ô °¡³­ÇÑ ¹Ì±¹ÀÎ Á¶Â÷µµ Â÷´Â ±¼¸®´õ¶ó" Çϸ鼭 
    ³î¶ó¿öÇÏ°í ÀÖ´õ¶õ »ç½Ç ¶§¹®À̾ú´Ù°í....

    TIL There is 80 million Irish people in the world but only ~4 million in Ireland (

    submitted  ago by lord_sorek

    Àü ¼¼°è¿¡ ¾ÆÀ̸®½¬°¡ 8000¸¸¸íÀε¥,
    Á¤ÀÛ ¾ÆÀÏ·£µå ¾È¿¡´Â 400¸¸¸í ¹Ì¸¸ Á¤µµ ÀÖ´õ¶õ »ç½Ç. (Àα¸ 460¸¸¿¡ 84%°¡ ¼øÇ÷?? ¾ÆÀ̸®½¬)

    Cute video of a jealous little girl wanting to dance with a boy. Boy rejects her like a boss. (

    submitted  ago by DipityDawg to /r/videos

    ÄðÇÑ ³ðÀ̷μ¼............. ¤¾¤¾

    ¹» ºÁ ÀÓ¸¶. °í·¡ óÀ½ºÁ?

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    536 [·¹µ÷Æß]................................. [9] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-17 5430 1
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    533 [·¹µ÷Æß] ³¯¸¶´Ù ¿À´Â ·¹µ÷ Æß [12] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-15 7180 3
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    531 Á¤½Å¿¬·É Å×½ºÆ®. [2] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ A.ÀÚ¶ó 04-14 4303 0
    530 [·¹µ÷Æß] ¿À´ÃÀÇ ·¹µ÷. [12] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-14 5473 2
    529 [·¹µ÷Æß] ÆÞ°Ô ³Ê¹« ¸¹¾Æ...... ¤» [10] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-13 5432 2
    528 [·¹µ÷Æß] ¿ä·± Á¶·± À̾߱âµé [9] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-12 4988 1
    527 [ÇÁ¶õÄ¡½ºÄÚ ±³È²] ³«Å´ Çø¿À½º·¯¿î ¹üÁË. [2] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ A.ÀÚ¶ó 04-12 7524 0
    526 [·¹µ÷Æß] ±×·± Àú·± °Íµé.... [16] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-11 5585 2
    525 [·¹µ÷Æß] ÀÌ·± Àú·± À⵿. [22] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-10 4370 2
    524 [·¹µ÷Æß] ÀÌ·± Àú·± °Íµé [6] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-09 3748 3
    523 [·¹µ÷Æß] ½Ã°£³¯¶§¸¸ º¸½Ã¿À. [5] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-08 4864 1
    522 [ÀÚµ¿Àç»ý] ±âµ¿Àü»ç °Ç´ã UC 7È­ Æ®·¹ÀÏ·¯ ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ royhobbs 04-08 3046 0
    521 [·¹µ÷Æß] ³ó´ãÀÇ ÁøÈ­. [4] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-04 2203 1
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    518 [·¹µ÷Æß] ÀÌ·± Àú·±....... [15] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 04-02 7539 2
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