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A Play for Justice in South Korea
In ¡®The Attorney,¡¯ an Unlikely Hero Fights for a Cause
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Authoritarian rule is by no means a distant memory in South Korea, and that past helps explain the blockbuster success there of ¡°The Attorney.¡± Set in the 1970s and 1980s, the film stars Song Kang-ho in a straight-as-an-arrow courtroom drama based on a notorious 1981 case of government oppression.
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Mr. Song¡¯s titular character, also named Song, hustles his way to wealth as a real estate and tax lawyer, then falls into representing a student who was tortured into a false confession. Song hadn¡¯t planned to get involved, but the student¡¯s salt-of-the-earth mother runs his favorite lunch place, and the blatant abuse of national security law shocks him into acting.
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Song is a standard movie type: the unlikely hero politicized by an injustice. (His opposite is the official who justifies strong-arm tactics with the constant threat of war with the North.) Mr. Song puts his usual big heart into the character, though there aren¡¯t many layers or nuances to the drama. Every scene does its job, tears flowing on cue.
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The director, Yang Woo-seok, making his feature filmmaking debut, bases the story on his own webtoon. Song¡¯s encounter with government violence is neatly summed up with a riot cop in a face-obscuring black helmet bursting indoors in slow motion. But in the courtroom, Mr. Yang also sets the camera to roam in a showily prolonged scene that¡¯s less like a Preminger camera maneuver than the prowling of a restless house cat.
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There are levels of resonance that might not strike an audience outside of South Korea, but during the film¡¯s restrained portrayal of the torture, a moment of waterboarding still has the power to unsettle.
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¡®The Attorney¡¯ movie review: An earnest and instructive South Korean box-office hit
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By Mark Jenkins, Published: February 6

Two things seem obvious from watching the first few minutes of ¡°The Attorney¡±: The movie is a comedy, and its protagonist is no hero.
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The recent South Korean box-office hit observes the progress, beginning in 1978, of a lawyer with few credentials but much ambition. Song Woo-seok (Song Kang-ho) is snubbed by other lawyers because he passed the bar exam without attending law school, or even college. These cohorts are further scandalized when Song begins registering real-estate transactions, a task previously restricted to notaries.
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His most inexcusable offense? Song makes a lot of money while doing work other attorneys thought was beneath them.
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The industrious lawyer¡¯s detractors aren¡¯t the only ones in for a surprise; so are most of the movie¡¯s American viewers. Midway through the story, ¡°The Attorney¡± becomes a political drama. And Song rises to the occasion.
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The lawyer thinks mostly of supporting his family and putting ever more distance between himself and his impoverished childhood. He¡¯s also devoted to the modest, family-run local restaurant where he¡¯s dined for years — and where he once skipped out on the bill when he was an impoverished student.
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Song doesn¡¯t follow politics, but he does support his friends. So when the restaurant owner¡¯s college-age son disappears, the lawyer begins an investigation. He soon learns that Choi Jin-woo (Korean boy-band member Siwan) has been arrested and brutally tortured. His crime is being a member of a book club that reads such ¡°seditious¡± literature as British historian and diplomat E.H. Carr¡¯s ¡°What Is History?¡±
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To the astonishment of the judge, the prosecutor and South Korea¡¯s secret police, Song takes Choi¡¯s case and turns a show trial into a real one. He makes public things that were formerly veiled in the name of ¡°national security.¡± He divulges torture techniques, illustrated in grim flashbacks, and he takes a few body blows himself.
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Fictionalized from actual events, ¡°The Attorney¡± shows the transformation of a character based on the late Roh Moo-hyun, who became a human-rights advocate and later South Korea¡¯s president. Rather than a fevered riff on national paranoia or personal vengeance, like many Korean flicks released in the United States, the movie is earnest and instructive.
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¡°The Attorney¡± can be melodramatic, and first-time feature director Yang Woo-seok is not yet a singular filmmaker. But the movie is carrried by its rousing pro- democracy message and a lively performance from the versatile leading man, whose credits include such notable Korean films as ¡°The Host¡± and ¡°Memories of Murder.¡± Song Kang-ho is well cast as an everyday champion, distinguished not by superpowers but by simple decency.
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2042 2014³â 2¿ù µÑ°ÁÖ(2.3-9) À½¿ø ¼øÀ§!! [6] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ (¸Å½Ç)ÀºÀÌ 02-10 3538 0
2041 ¾óÈÄ(ì£û×/erhu)¿¬ÁÖ - ÀÇõµµ·æ±âost [2] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ [KS] ²Ã¶Ñ±â 02-09 3482 0
2040 ¹» ´«À» ºÎ¸¨¶ß°í ÃÄ´ÙºÁ? [19] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ £Û¾²ºÀ£Ý¼³µµ·Õ´¨ 02-09 3518 2
2039 [twitpic]¿¹¼ú [6] smilla 02-09 3079 2
2038 ½ºÅ°Á¡ÇÁ ÇÏ´Â ¼±¼öÀÇ ½ÃÁ¡ [1] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ³×·Î¿ïÇÁ 02-09 3343 0
2037 [À½¾Ç] Àü¶÷ȸ- Á¹¾÷, ÀÌÀå¿ì- ûÃΌÂù [5] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ °¡½¿¿¡µ¸ÀºÄ® 02-08 5365 2
2036 Æß) dzÂ÷±¹ÀÌ ½ºÄÉÀÌÆ® °­±¹ÀÎ ÀÌÀ¯ [16] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¹«ÀûLG 02-08 3538 0
2035 Ú¸ ¾ð·Ð, ¿µÈ­ <º¯È£ÀÎ>¿¡ °ü½É ¡°ÁøÁ¤¼º ÀÖ°í ±³ÈÆÀûÀÎ ¿µÈ­¡± ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ royhobbs 02-08 5762 2
2034 "¶Ç ÇϳªÀÇ ¾à¼Ó", »ï¼º°ú "¶Ç ÇϳªÀÇ °¡Á·"°úÀÇ ½Î¿òÀ» ´Ù·ç´Ù from °¡µð¾ð [7] °õ³ÊºÎ¸® 02-07 3112 3
2033 Èë²ÀµÎÀ屺 Å䷱Ʈ [2] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¾Ó°Ö·ç½º³ëºÎ½º 02-06 2311 2
2032 ÁøÂ¥ ²À Çѹø ´Ù½Ã º¸°í ½ÍÀº ¸¸È­¿µÈ­ [10] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ °¡½¿¿¡µ¸ÀºÄ® 02-06 4260 0
2031 °í½ºÆ® ÀÛ°¡? [4] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ º£Æ¼ºí·ç 02-06 1853 0
2030 pic)ÁøÂ¥ ¿´±¸³ª(´ñ±Û Çø©ÀÖ) [5] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ [KS] ²Ã¶Ñ±â 02-06 2423 0
2029 [ÆÁ] USB °í¼Ó ÃæÀü¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿©. [17] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ chirp 02-06 11785 9
2028 ¹ö¸©¾ø´Â ´ÄÀºÀÌ°¡ Âü ¸¹³×¿ä. [20] [CP] ÈĶó¶ö 02-05 2160 2
2027 Copacabana - Barry Manilow [2] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¾Ó°Ö·ç½º³ëºÎ½º 02-05 1660 1
2026 Áö³­ ÁÖ¸» ÀÀ±Þ½Ç [22] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ Pitcher 32 02-04 2447 5
2025 '¶Ç ÇϳªÀÇ ¾à¼Ó' »ó¿µ°ü ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¢¹¢·±íÀº½½ÇÄ 02-04 4383 0
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