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LONDON - More than half of British women pay for themselves on a first date, even though men still want to pay, according to a survey on Monday.

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A poll of 1,924 adults for online bank first direct found that 58% of women expect to split the bill on a first date, double the proportion of men (29%).

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Additionally, 14% of women think it should be whoever suggested the date.

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Only a quarter of women said that they thought men should pay for a first date, while 3% said they themselves should foot the bill, suggesting that women feel they should not be beholden to men, but that men should also pay their way.

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Male respondents on the other hand believed that chivalry isn¡¯t dead, with 55% expecting to pay the full bill on a first date, and men spending an average of 65 pounds ($104) on a first date compared to women who spend 50 pounds.

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Shouldering not just the financial burden but also the organizational responsibility, more than nine in 10 males (94%) said they would organize the first date, compared with just 65% of women.

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Highlighting the financial considerations behind dating, 38% of people would use discount vouchers on a first date, a figure slightly higher for men (41%) than women (36)

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¡°As we approach the wedding season, the couple on everyone¡¯s lips is Kate Middleton and Prince William,¡± first direct Senior Savings Product Manager Richard Brown said in a statement. ¡°It would be fascinating to know if they split the bill or if William paid and pulled out a discount voucher on their first date.¡±

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It's a down economy. Men would rather go dutch on a date. Guys, I have bad news. The more attractive your date is (yes!), the less likely she's going to help cover the dinner bill (d'oh!).

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Robert Kohlhuber | Getty Images

A British study — naturally — reveals that hot women don't think they should have to pay on a date.

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Less attractive women are more willing to chip in. Why?

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Pretty girls put all that time and effort into looking good and figure they bring more to the table at dinner.

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"The intriguing finding comes from a study of 416 men and women who were asked to rate themselves for attractiveness, ahead of going on a series of hypothetical dates." Ah, they rated themselves on their looks. So a woman whom you and I might consider so-so, but who thinks of herself as the next Heidi Klum, will have the confidence to say, "You are one lucky dude to be with me," and order another lemon drop. On your dime. Meantime, a drop-dead gorgeous gal who can't stand the sight of herself in the mirror will just be glad you're talking to her.

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Men in the study agreed that they would be more willing to pay the total bill for a good-looking date, though men who considered themselves handsome were less inclined to do so. Perfect. Barbie and Ken deserve each other.

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Who should really pay on a date?
The article consulted etiquette experts who say the person who requested the date must cover the cost.

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I have a different question. If an attractive woman expects a man to pay for dinner, what does the man expect in return? Ah, my friends, they didn't cover that in the survey, but I think we know the answer.

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