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alien graveyard found

Scientists say they have found an extraterrestrial cemetery in central Africa that is at least 500 years old!

¡°There must be 200 bodies buried there and not a single one of them is human,¡± Dr. Hugo Childs, the Swiss anthropologist, told reporters in Kigali, Rwanda.

¡°They are in amazing state of preservation to be so old,¡± he added. ¡°Soil and tissue samples indicate the bodies have been in the ground since the 1400s. We¡¯re now trying to figure out where they came from – and what killed them.¡±

Dr. Childs and his colleagues reportedly discovered the alien graveyard on a routine survey of the Rwandan jungle.

They originally thought they had stumbled on the remains of a centuries-old village. But excavation reportedly revealed nothing but alien bodies – stacked in fives in a jungle clearing.

¡°The creatures themselves were much taller and skinnier than humans,¡± said the expert.

¡°They stood about 7 feet tall and they were not any bigger around than small sapling trees.

¡°Their heads were larger than the average man¡¯s and they had no mouth, nose or eyes to speak of.

¡°I assume that they communicated with one another telepathically and moved around like bats with some kind of biological radar.¡±

Without further study there is no way to tell for sure what killed the extraterrestrials.

But Dr. Childs speculated that the 200 aliens were part of a single landing party that encountered a deadly virus. Because they would have had no immunity to Earth disease, he added, something as simple as the flu could have wiped out the entire party.

¡°Some of them must have survived because there is no evidence of a spaceship to be found,¡± said Dr. Childs. ¡°Of course, as our excavation effort continues, there¡¯s no telling what we may run across.¡±

Dr. Childs would not take reporters to the site, for fear of the bodies being disturbed. However, he promised to reveal the location once the excavation was complete. ¡°It will change the world,¡± Dr. Childs said.

Weekly World News will continue to provide updates as they develop.


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