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09-03-08 15:57
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Our guy with the free passes Mr. Ironmonkey saw Ninja Assassin, the new film from the
director of V for Vendetta.  I have to say after reading this reviw im fXXXg stoked for
this film¡¦peep it

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¡°I just saw the test screening of this movie with high hopes, mainly because of the badass

picture of Rain covered in blood. I couldn¡¯t help but think that this was going to be good,

 a little action packed, with some ninjas. My brain exploded within the first 5 minutes

of the movie starting, I have never been in a theatre full of screaming
people clapping, yelling, and laughing all at the same time. It was AMAZING.

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That;s not to say it¡¯s all amazing, the story and acting are just filler for them to get to the action scenes.
Normally I would hate a movie that does that, but these are GREAT action scenes that when they come
out on DVD I will probably watch with my surround sound turned up over and over again. I wish they would
have focused the story on just the revenge part of the story and maybe get better dialogue for the
¡°Love Interest¡± scenes. There is a scene that is so bad, and cheesy that if it weren¡¯t for the amazing effects
and ninjas I would give this movie a zero. Seriously, he listens to her heart. That¡¯s all I¡¯m going to say,
I don¡¯t know if anyone else hated that scene, but I really did.

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So basically this movie rocks, it¡¯s got everything from ninjas crawling on walls like insects to God of War style
fight sequences where he just obliterates ninjas with his chain sword. It¡¯s like the feeling you get when your
first watched the Lobby scene from Matrix, except you¡¯ll feel that alot in this movie. Just set aside your brain
at the door and enjoy a ninja flick¡¦a badass ninja flick.

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Mr. Ironmonkey

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